Emanuel Salvador


"...Emanuel Salvador, one of the finest Portuguese violinists of his generation."
Hazel Davies (Strad Magazine, August 2007)

"Salvador has given us a rendition to cherish" Fanfare Magazine, (Karl Fiorini´Concerto CD recording, 2014)

"Le violoniste portugais Emanuel Salvador lui offre dans Mythes une réplique agile et sensuelle, atout supplémentaire de ce très beau disque"
Diapason Magazine, (Symanowski: The Wartime Tryptichs, 2019)

"...a cadenza for the soloist... (which) provides further opportunity for Emanuel Salvador, who is also the orchestra’s director, to demonstrate his technical prowess, extreme sweetness of tone and striking musical sensitivity"
MusicWeb International, (Polish Concerti, 2023)

"El violinista portugués Emanuel Salvador (Guimaraes 1981) es un artista brillante que encontró en los pentagramas de Montero vehículo idóneo para desplegar su virtuosismo. Ofreció una versión técnica y musicalmente impecable, donde la nostalgia desbordante del concierto fue servida sin empalago."
El Levante, (C. Montero violin concerto, concert at Valencia Palau de la Musica, 2017)

"Spellbinding soloist"
Newbury Weekly (Beethoven´s Concerto with Newbury Symphony, November 2006)

"...what really hallmarks the concerto is the intense and molten lyricism of the solo violin score played spectacularly by Emanuel Salvador to whom Mr Fiorini dedicates the work. Salvador performed this work with great pathos and conviction projecting the most dissonant and spaced out tonal passages into sheer lyricism"
Times of Malta (Karl Fiorini Concerto, May 2008)

"Star des Abends war der aus Portugal angereist Geiger Emanuel Salvador, der mit brillanter Technik und überragender Musikalität die Zuhörer fesselt." RheinPfalz Zeitung, Germany (Mozart Concerto KV. 219 with Amadé Orchestra, May 2010)


Krzystof Penderecki - Cadenza for solo violin



Massenet Meditation on the Abergavenny Stradivarius violin



Emanuel Salvador and Janusz Widzyk play Bottesini Gran Duo with Szczecin Classic Festival Orchestra



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1713 Stradivarius



Karl Fiorini Violin Concerto - 3rd movement



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